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ROTA 2013

   Im März 2013 fand wieder unsere internationale Projektwoche "Rota" statt, diesmal mit über 100 Jugendlichen aus sechs europäischen Ländern. Gastgeber war unsere niederländische Partnerschule, das Elde College in Schijndel bei Eindhoven.

Die Projektwoche stand unter dem Thema “Get alive – get a life”. Virtuelle (Schein-)Welten und Realitäten wurden in der vielseitigen Projektarbeit aus ganz unterschiedlichen Perspektiven durchleuchtet.

Ankunft: Unsere Teilnehmerinnen aus der Jahrgangstufe Q1 und die begleitenden Lehrer Herr Wolf und Herr Jaunich erreichten nach kurzer Fahrt unsere Partnerschule in Schijndel. 


Opening Night: Bei der feierlichen Eröffnung mit über 100 Teilnehmern und ebenso vielen Gästen wurden bereits erste internationale Kontakte geknüpft.

 Zum besseren Kennenlernen stand am ersten Tag auch eine Einheit mit verschiedenen Hallensportarten auf dem Programm.

Workshops: An vier Tagen arbeiten die Teilnehmer aus sechs Ländern in kleinen Workshopgruppen unter Leitung von niederländischen Lehrern oder externen Experten. Jeder Workshop bereitet dabei eine Präsentation für die Presentation Night am Abschlussabend vor.

In diesem Jahr konnten unsere Teilnehmer zwischen diesen Workshops wählen:


Reshaping the Body







Slow and Fast Food


Reshaping the Body






Architecture (Kentalis)

    Slow and Fast Food


In Ergänzung zur thematischen Arbeit werden allmorgendliche Sprachkurse angeboten: In kleinen Gruppen lernen die Projektteilnehmer Deutsch, Spanisch, Holländisch, Polnisch oder sogar International Sign Language (Zeichensprache/Gebärdensprache) kennen, denn es nehmen auch Schüler einer benachbarten Förderschule am Programm teil. Englisch wird nicht unterrichtet, da es als Projektsprache ohnehin Voraussetzung ist.


Die Ergebnisse der Projektwoche und der Vorbereitung vor dem eigentlichen Projekt wurden in einer großen Presentation Night vor begeistertem Publikum unter Anwesenheit der eigens angereisten Schulleiter aus den sechs Ländern aufgeführt.


Hier noch einige ausführliche Beschreibungen der Workshops, erstellt von unseren Teilnehmerinnen:

Workshop Dance

Get a life - get alive lautete das Motto von Rota 2013 in Schjindle, Holland. Auch der Tanzworkschop nahm sich dieses Themas an. Nach einem kurzen Kennenlernen der 12 Schülerinnen und einem Schüler aus 5 verschieden Nationen, begann das Einüben der gar nicht so einfachen Choreographie und es war ein hartes Stück Arbeit, ein gelungenes Gesamtkunstwerk zu erstellen. Neben einem Grundgerüst, was uns von unserer Workshop- Leiterin, Helma Mellis, vorgegeben wurde, haben wir auch eigene Elemente und Teilchoreografien, die sich die einzelnen Teilnehmer ausgedacht hatten, eingebaut.

Wenn wir dann von den anstrengenden Training ausgepowert waren, hat uns Helma immer wieder motiviert weiter zu machen.

Am Ende haben wir einen sehr ausdrucksstarken Tanz auf die Beine gestellt und sind trotz unterschiedlicher Herkunft zu eine zusammengewachsenen Gruppe geworden.

„Dank je wel voor het gastvrijheid.“

Nina K., Julia S. (Stufe Q1)


Workshop Music

We participated in the music workshop, which was led by Bernd Wolf, who is also our actual music teacher in school at home. During the Rota Week the music workshop was probably what we spent the most time with. When we first arrived at the old elementary school, we were quite sceptical (and also a bit freezing because the heating did not seem to work).
But within only a few days Mr. Wolf created a really nice rehearsal room from which you could always hear someone playing the drums or the piano.
Since Mr. Wolf always came up with new and creative ideas, a nice atmosphere soon grew between us and we surprised ourselves how much progress the group made during the workshop.

When at first we only did rhythm exercises we would have never imagined that we would be able to perform several songs on stage. As we practiced our pieces with very various kinds of instruments (some including kinds of rhythmical instruments, a violine, keybords, a drum set and even two singers) the pieces sounded interesting and special.
Though not everything went completely perfect by the presentation evening everyone could see how much fun we had during the presentation and the whole week. Playing music with young people from different nations was a great and special experience and we are thankful to be a part of this great project. 

Katharina D., Viktoria G. (Stufe Q1)

Workshop Architecture

A real architect led our workshop. He gave us this task: Design a house in which all seven people of your group can live. The house had to be constructible in reality, but it also had to have features of the virtual world, like beamers that work by connection to our thoughts.

We created a model out of professional white foam and put little figures (with photos of our faces on their heads) into it. It was no problem to talk to the others although the groups were very mixed: In group two, there were a Spanish, a Polish, another Dutch, a German, a Belgian and an English person! Everyone found their task so that work together was mainly fun.

When we had finished the model and the figures, we made a movie. It showed a day (invented by team members, of course) in our house, equipped with amazing technology.

We liked the results!

Monique E., Sophia G. (Stufe Q1)


Drama workshop: "Don’t act – just feel!"

For this year’s Rota project I decided to participate in the drama workshop. I wasn’t really sure what to expect, something with classical theater, acting and memorizing lines I imagined.
But when I walked into the room in which the drama group rehearsed during the week I already knew I was extremely wrong.
Not acting, but feeling, that’s what it’s all about, our workshop leader Rick told us. We did several warm up games and walking exercises to get to know each other. Other people may have been surprised to see ten of us trying to stand on one chair together or to watch us walking around the room like cavemen ten thousand  years ago not opening our eyes for a solid hour and a half.
But we didn’t care and ten individuals from different countries that had nothing to do with each other at first could literally feel the group spirit grow through the course of the week.
We did not memorize a single line or act out a single scene or dialog until the last day, but I dare to say that our performance for the final night was well-rounded and successful. Combining several elements of walking, holding up signs, jumping off tables, creating tension, grouping up, isolating people again and playing music, we created a powerful story that carried the audience along and conveyed a strong message.

 So now, after this amazing experience I recommend you all to participate in the ROTA project and choose the drama workshop. You will get to know many great people, do things you would never do in school, get to know yourself better and have a lot of fun!

And always remember: Acting is not projecting but really feeling what you are doing. That is the only way you and others can truly believe the story.

(Carla S., Q1)



Workshop "Reshaping the human body"          

Im Workshop „Reshaping the human body“ haben wir uns mit dem menschlichen Körper beschäftigt. Dazu  haben wir uns überlegt, wie man den menschlichen Körper modifizieren kann. Jeder durfte eigene Ideen dazu einbringen, z.B. das Bekleben der Haut mit Wolle, Pailletten, etc. um Tierhaut zu simulieren. Jedoch haben wir uns am Ende gemeinsam dazu entschieden, mit aufgeblasenen Luftballons die Umrisse unseres

Körpers zu verändern und schließlich in Form von Schatten zu präsentieren. 


Susan K. & Ines H. (Stufe Q1)


Workshop Art

It has been a busy week in the workshop art, led by our amazing artist Carola. Combined with the skills of Arie the computer specialist we created an animation that showed all the work we have done. In the beginning we started with nothing but old toys and in a few funny hours they transformed into something new. Our first lesson was focussed on a little exercise: We had been given the most common and ordinary objects like onions, eggs, cardboard boxes or sterophor and were then separated into groups to create a photostory with our materials.

Afterwards we started with the real animation since everybody brought along some broken toys we were pretty curious about what we were going to do. Carola told us not to think about it, just do it, even if you don’t have any idea how to start: The exercise could be fulfilled and the broken toys turned into awesome actors for our animation. Again, we didn’t need a playscript or a vision, we just started taking pictures of the toys interacting. Of course this whole procedure of producing something we didn’t know about in the beginning was more than funny. Along, we learned very much about different countries, arts, our imagination and artistic capabilities and – most importantly – made a lot of friends.

All in all, the workshop was amazing and we thank everyone for the opportunity ROTA has given us.

Lisa B. & Lena W. (Stufe Q1)






ROTA is already on the way to LINCOLN 2014 - see you there!!!