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Does money make the world go round? Food workshop

Crisis – cake? Crisis – crisps? Crisis – cookies? Crisis – Currywurst?Or shouldn’t we rather say: Crisis – crumbs.In our food workshop, we want to explore the world of food in times of crises. What is and has been typical food during times of crises in our different nations? What is typical food of poor people? Does having less money necessarily mean to lower one’s food quality? Or could the current crisis open our mouths and taste buds for totally new and unexpected experiences? How much food can we get for a limited amount of money and how many of us can be fed on low budget? And what chances do really socially disadvantaged  people have to get enough food for their families?
Let’s dip into the world of food together by cooking, eating and discussing a variety of food. Every day of our workshop starts with a breakfast, then we prepare and cook our food, have lunch together, tidy up, discuss the menu for the next day and go out and buy new ingredients for it. On one day of the ROTA week we are going to prepare a “Crisis Lunch” for all our teachers. In addition, we are going to visit “Die Tafel”, an institution of volunteers who care for poor people and families whose monthly income does not suffice to feed them. 
Our requirements for your participation:

  • You bring along 3 recipes (starter, main course, dessert) for typical “poor people’s food” of your country.
  • You bring spices and ingredients in sufficient quantity that are typical of your food and country.
  • You love food and fun!